ESFA FE Update: 6 May 2020

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Latest information from the ESFA: 1. Latest information on coronavirus (COVID-19); 2. Information: provider relief scheme
3. Information: paying apprentices that are furloughed; 4. Information: Secretary of State approved list of independent special schools in England and Wales and special post-16 institutions; 5. Information: 2019 to 2020 year-end forecast funding claim cancelled; 6. Information: non levy procured apprenticeships contracts; 7. Information: ESFA funded adult education budget funding rates and formula guide 2020 to 2021; 8. Information: publication of ESFA adult education budget funding rules for 2020 to 2021; 9. Information: 16 to 19 funding regulations guidance; 10. Information: 2020 to 2021 student support scheme guides; 11. Information: off-the-job training and maternity leave; 12. Information: apprenticeship service – new apprentice record status; 13. Information: what impact do school closures have on my safeguarding responsibilities under the Prevent Duty?