ESFA Procurement Opportunity for 19-24 Traineeships

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The ESFA has announced details of their planned procurement opportunity for providers to access additional funding to deliver 19 to 24 adult education budget (AEB) funded traineeships, as announced in the government’s Plan for Jobs earlier this month. Opportunities to bid for additional 19 to 24 AEB traineeship funding will be handled through the DfE’s e-sourcing portal. Organisations who do not already have an existing account must register one as this is the only method to access tendering documentation. As well as the additional funding for traineeships, the government announced new flexibilities and opportunities designed to strengthen traineeships and widen access to them for young people, including young people qualified up to Level 3 (rather than Level 2 previously) are now eligible for a traineeship, a more flexible work experience offer of minimum 70 hours, with multiple employers if needed, increased AEB traineeship learning aim cost of £1500 and traineeships can now last up to 12 months, allowing twice as much time on a programme for those young people with particular needs who need it.