20 people gathered at Sussex Downs College’s Newhaven Campus in Newhaven for SCTP’s latest meeting of its Pre-employment Group. The meeting focussed on updates from Local Authorities and giving members the opportunity to share, discuss and resolve issues that were currently impacting on their organisations and their learners. Of particular importance were concerns about the reduction in the volume of claimants referred to programmes as a result of the roll out of Universal Credit; reports from one Local Authority about an anticipated drop in 16-18 year olds going into apprenticeships (due to the impact of new funding systems) and how it is likely that more young people will go into jobs without training which does not count in the RPA measure; and continuing pressures on providers to support increasing numbers of learners presenting with Mental Health issues. Notes of the meeting are now available. The next Pre-employment meeting will be on the 28th February, 10.00-1.00, venue to be confirmed.