Budget 2021 Announcements and Reactions

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The Chancellor announced the Budget on 3 March with a range of measures to support the testing and vaccination programme for Covid-19, financial support for businesses, and further funding to support traineeships and for apprenticeship incentive payments. A list of measures announced is outlined here. The full budget, with supporting documents, can be found here. The Chancellors Budget speech can be read here. Sector comments about the budget can be read here. The Institute of Employment Studies commented that ‘mass unemployment has been averted, but more needed to support a jobs led recovery’, read their statement here.

Also published alongside the Budget was ‘‘Build Back Better: our plan for growth’ which the government says sets out its plans to “support growth through significant investment in infrastructure, skills and innovation, and to pursue growth that levels up every part of the UK, enables the transition to net zero, and supports our vision for Global Britain”.