SCTP Pre-employment Group Meeting & RPA Statistics

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At the recent SCTP online pre-employment group meeting the Sussex Local Authorities shared updates on recent activities, including information on the local employment picture and information about NEETS. Their presentations, including their most recent RPA (NEET) statistics, giving participation data for those aged 16 and 17 are available for Brighton & Hove and West Sussex, and the East Sussex RPA Dashboard is available here. Members also heard an update from DWP on the Kickstart Scheme and Youth Hubs and from the Employability for Supported & Temporary Accommodation & Refuges (ESTAR) team at East Sussex. There was also an update from the Institute for Employment Studies about a youth employment project they are undertaking, details of which can be seen in this presentation. All the presentations are available on the members’ resource section of the SCTP website.