Subcontracting Returns Deadlines Confirmed

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The ESFA published the follow up document to the subcontracting consultation response on 4 March. It sets out further detail of what they expect from providers in relation to each proposal, including the following requests to the agency:

  • 16 to 19 provision only: requests to continue with existing “distance learning” arrangements in 2021 to 2022
  • 16 to 19 provision only: requests to continue with “whole programme subcontracting” arrangements in 2021 to 2022
  • excluding ESF provision and local authorities: cases made to the agency if providers do not think they can reduce their subcontracting

The document covers information that should be in the request, where this should be sent to, and confirms the deadline of 31 May 2021 for all the above requests. You can contact the enquiry service if you have any enquiries.