SELEP Launches £4.4 Million Covid-19 Recovery Fund Programme

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The South East LEP (SELEP) is launching a range of initiatives to help boost economic recovery in the South East. SELEP’s £2.4m COVID-19 Business Support Fund and the £2m Skills COVID-19 Recovery Fund will be used to support the recovery of the economy in 2021, including business guidance and advice, business grants, support for the Visitor Economy, skills training, assistance for those who have been made unemployed or redundant, and free digital kit. Businesses and partner organisations will be able to hear about the grants, schemes and projects on offer through the COVID-19 Recovery Fund programme at a dedicated webinar on 27 May 2021 at 09:00, which will outline what each programme will be offering, how this will support businesses and boost skills and how to get involved and access the service.