16 to 18 Traineeship Market Entry Opportunity Announced

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The ESFA has announced that it will be launching a market entry opportunity to support the growth of the traineeship programme and expand the provision of 16 to 18-year-old traineeships later this month. It will be open to training organisations not currently contracted or allocated delivery of 16 to 19 Study Programme activity or 16 to 18 traineeship provision. To take part in this market entry exercise, trainng providers must have a current Ofsted grade 1 or 2 with an ESFA contract, funding agreement or grant for the 2021/22 academic year. Alternatively, the ESFA will consider existing traineeship providers that have a 19 to 24 traineeship 2021 to 2022 contract without an Ofsted grade 1 or 2. The other criteria are listed here.