The latest information from the ESFA: 1. Reminder: 16 to 19 tuition fund 2021 to 2022 form; 2. Reminder: our consultation on plans to simplify funding for all adult skills training is closing on 7 October 2021; 3. Information: preparing your final ILR return for 2020 to 2021
4. Information: final funding claim for 2020 to 2021; 5. Information: coronavirus national testing programme – conditions of grant from August 2021, including claims for exceptional funding and payments; 6. Information: webinar for training providers on apprenticeships initial assessment to recognise prior learning; 7. Information: notification of FE Professional Development Grants application outcomes; 8. Information: apprenticeships standards versioning report; 9. Information: full steam ahead for the fourth wave of T Levels; 10. Information: Adult education budget (AEB) funding – Afghan adults; 11. Information: ESFA AEB update for the Heavy Goods Vehicles offer; 12. Your feedback: please tell us about your experience with digital forms.