We’re delighted to announce that Stephen Bell at Prime Partnership has become the latest consultant member of SCTP. A word from our new member:
Re-joining SCTP as a consultant will help me keep my sector knowledge up to date and be able to contribute my own knowledge and insights gained over many years working in this sector. I would like to help members successfully navigate the complex and sometimes baffling funding environment in the education and training sector. My consultancy offers and services include: • Independent advice and guidance; • Designing and leading strategic growth, and change management strategies; • Developing partnerships and collaborations that have innovation and impact; • Business transformation, sustainability and growth strategies; • Bid/tender processes/writing; • Supply chain development, mobilisation planning/implementation; and • Due diligence and stakeholder engagement services
We welcome Stephen and look forward to working with him in the future. For more information about Prime Partnership, visit the website at www.primepartnershipltd.com. Stephen can be contacted at stephen@primepartnershipltd.com, on 07973883765 or via LinkedIn