Apprenticeships Information for Employers

Are you considering employing an apprentice?

You can use apprenticeships to develop the skills of your existing workforce, or to recruit and train new employees. They combine working with studying to enable people to develop skills and gain qualifications in a specific field.

As an employer, you must pay the apprentice at least the minimum wage, and you can get Government funding to cover some of the cost of training and assessing your apprentice. Apprenticeships are open to anyone aged 16 or over.

If you are thinking about recruiting an apprentice, or encouraging one of your current employees to complete an apprenticeship, the following resources should answer any questions you have:

Apprenticeships in Sussex
FAQs about apprenticeships, and a ‘training search’ to find local training organisations that can help you to recruit and train the people that you are looking for.

Employ an apprentic
Information from the Government’s national website on funding, pay and conditions and more.

Apprenticeship Funding
Guidance on how to use the apprenticeship service to access funds to pay for apprenticeship training.

Employer Incentive Payments
Employers who recruit an apprentice aged between 16-18 (or under 25 with a EHCP) may be eligible for a payment of £1000. Employers who recruit an apprentice who is a care leaver will be eligible for a payment of £3,000.

Find Apprenticeship Training
Employers can search for apprenticeship training and find training providers who offer that training.

Apprenticeship Standards
The Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education supports the development of new apprenticeship standards. You can search for all apprenticeship standards currently available and in development on this site.

Learning & Work Institute
Offers guidance to employers who want to develop a more inclusive and accessible apprenticeship offer.  It provides practical information, sources of support and inspirational case studies of employers who have benefited from hiring and supporting apprentices from a range of backgrounds.

Other training-related links for employers

For other types of training programmes that employers can get involved with, see our Pre-employment & traineeship page