ESFA Adult Skills Fund – Tailored Learning

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The primary purpose of Tailored Learning is to support learners into employment and to progress to further learning. It can also be used to support wider purposes of learning, including building confidence, and improving well-being.

For ESFA-funded Adult Skills Fund (ASF) provision, you must not use Tailored Learning funding for learning that is primarily or solely for leisure purposes, which is defined as learning where the primary or sole intent of the learning is for leisure. This applies to curriculum intent and to the learner’s purpose for undertaking the learning.

Learners studying on the same course may have different purposes. For example, a learner may participate on a course with the learning aim ‘Creative Arts’ to improve their confidence, and another to improve their wellbeing. Similarly, a learner may participate on a course within the learning aim ‘volunteering, active citizenship’ to develop employability skills, and another to contribute to community life.