Technical Qualifications Reform Update

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On Wednesday 24 July, DfE announced that they are undertaking a focused review of qualifications reform at level 3 and below, alongside the re-contracting of T Level qualifications. The review will conclude by the end of the year. DfE will place a pause on the removal of 16 to 19 funding from qualifications assessed as overlapping with T Levels, which took place on Wednesday 31 July 2024. This will mean that, subject to any commercial decisions made by awarding organisations on these qualifications, they can be funded for 16- to 19- year-old new students in the 2024 to 2025 academic year. T Levels are high-quality qualifications which provide young people with a firm foundation for their future. DfE will roll out new T Levels in September 2024 and 2025 to ensure that young people continue to benefit from these respected qualifications.