Apprenticeships in Sussex Reaching Thousands of Sussex Students

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Working as part of the Sussex Learning Network’s Collaborative Outreach programme, SCTP’s Apprenticeships in Sussex (AiS) service has now engaged with 2200 Sussex students in 54 schools this academic year. The week beginning 7 May sees the AiS service appearing at assemblies at UTC Harbourside, Newhaven on the 8th May; a parents presentation at BHASVIC, Brighton also on the 8th; year 10 workshops at Causeway School, Eastbourne on the 9th and workshops as part of STEM in the Park in Crawley on Saturday the 12th. This service promotes the great opportunities that are on offer in Sussex many delivered by SCTP members. Please make sure that your entry on is up to date and if not please contact Sarah Sawyer.