Analysis of Sussex Apprenticeship Starts

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Click here for a spreadsheet showing SCTP’s local analysis of last week’s apprenticeship starts figures released by the DfE. This shows starts by borough, district and parliamentary constituency and compares Q1-3 (August 2017-April 2018) with the same period the previous year. Nationally starts are down by 33% with the same reduction showing for all of Sussex. Within that, East Sussex is showing a drop of  -39.3%, Brighton & Hove -29.5% and West Sussex -29.7%. The variations by district are quite extreme between the worst performing area, Eastbourne -49.4% and Horsham only -3.3%. All the figures are skewed by the comparison with last year which now includes the pre-levy surge in starts in April 2017. However, the underlying trend is still firmly downwards. The Government’s analysis of the national figures is here.

A useful regional analysis of the starts figures from the Apprenticeship Ambassador Network is here.