SELEP Confirms 20 August Date for ESF Calls

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The South East LEP has confirmed that our ESF calls will be launched on 20th August. Calls will be published on the Bravo Solutions e-tendering portal. DfE guidance on the portal is here. Some questions and answers from the ESFA supplied via SELEP are here.

The calls will be match funded by the ESFA and will be for the general themes of: Skills Support for Unemployed; NEET (15-24); Community Grants; Skills Support for the Workforce and Redundancy. The deadline for bids is the 17 September 2018 with delivery to start 1st April 2019.

SELEP are looking at holding a launch event to help networking and preparation for bids. They will also launch further, separate (unmatched) ESF calls – expected in the autumn.