Employer Ownership of Skills Pilots – Part 1 Evaluation Report

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It’s a little strange to reflect that back in 2012 an employer driven system where employers directly accessed public funds for training was a new, untested idea. The Employer Ownership of Skills Pilots (EOPS) tested the principal with mixed results that did nothing to halt the drive to an employer led system heralded by the Richard Review. Now 5 years after they started the final evaluation of the first pilot that ran from 2012-17 is published. A short executive summary gives the main findings for employers and learners with 75% of employers reporting that the pilot offered them value for money, that the training met the needs of the organisation and that the training providers delivering the project were responsive to their needs. Employers also reported that the management of EOP was their biggest challenge, with some finding the administration and paperwork complicated and time-consuming with others whereas other expressed frustration with the perceived inflexibility of the scheme. This was before the levy was even a serious proposal. Overall the pilot seems to have little impact as reported here by FE Week.