ESFA Highlights the Importance of Accuracy in Recording Data on the ILR

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The ESFA have issued a statement to providers about accuracy in recording data on the individualised learner record (ILR):

We have identified through qualification achievement rates (QARs), cases where providers have not accurately recorded the ILR for:

  • breaks in learning in apprenticeships
  • late reporting of withdrawn learners. This is where learners are either being withdrawn in-year or across funding years, where the withdrawal date is also within the qualifying period
  • withdrawal reasons

We systematically interrogate ILR data to identify data discrepancies, including these. We will report to you, and where necessary, challenge you on your data accuracy as you submit ILR data. We will take action where appropriate; which could involve funding recovery, applying conditions to your contracts or termination in the most serious cases. It is vital that the ILR data is accurate. Inaccurate data affects regulators and customers who use this data to make judgements on the quality of provision, in addition to funding and QARs.