AELP Response to Consultation on Ofqual’s Approach to Regulating Technical Qualifications

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AELP’s response to Ofqual’s most recent consultation has now been published. AELP supports the underlying proposition behind T Levels, to create a high-quality classroom-based technical learning option that employers will value in potential recruits, and from which individuals can benefit not only in terms of their career prospects but in terms of their general learning and development. However, AELP is concerned at some aspects of the implementation of the policy (with regard to the remit of Ofqual) which they state as being:

  • The compressed timetable which gives a higher priority to political expediency than it does to ensure that reforms are well-designed and thought-through
  • The policy of single licensing of T Level technical qualifications, which appears to be a solution in search of a problem.

To read the full response, click here. To read a more general account of the responses to the consultation including concerns over Ofqual’s plan to only allow assessments to be taken in the summer, thus forcing students who need to re-sit their exams to wait a whole year to do so, click here.