AELP Update on Non-Levy Contract Extension

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There remains concern over the potential lack of opportunity for providers who do not have a non-levy apprenticeship contract to re-enter the market. The ESFA announced recently that existing contracts would be extended to 2020 and the roll out of the Apprenticeship Service and the free market that comes with it would be delayed until this date.

There appears to be a ray of hope from AELP today who have reported that the ESFA survey issued this week looking at its Apprenticeship Service transition plans states in a Q&A section that ‘For all providers on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers, we are proposing a period of time where they could start new apprenticeships with non-levy employers on the apprenticeship service. Providers delivering training through this route would not need to hold a contract with the ESFA’. We will of course track what this may mean in practice and keep members informed.

Meanwhile UVAC has argued that the decision to not open non-levy market in April has disproportionately affected Degree Apprenticeship provision.