We’re delighted to announce that Aptem has joined as an associate member of SCTP. A word from our new member:
We are delighted to join the SCTP community. Aptem specialises in creating award-winning products to support compliant, efficient and innovative delivery of apprenticeship and vocational training programmes. Our products support remote onboarding, full end-to-end apprenticeship delivery, and the delivery of AEB and vocational training programmes with targeted employment outcomes. We are also the leading provider of apprenticeship software for Universities. We are keen to play an active part in the ongoing dialogue around apprenticeships and vocational training. We regularly produce white papers, eBooks, podcasts and webinars, for our customers, where we bring together experts and discuss how to move forward. You can find our resources here. We also publish thought leadership on our LinkedIn account.
We welcome the team at Aptem and look forward to working with them in the future. For more information, visit their website at www.aptem.co.uk. Suzanne Allwright can be contacted at suzanne.allwright@aptem.co.uk and via LinkedIn.