FEQ End Point Assessment Debate

This week’s SCTP Members’ Meeting showed that EPA is a key concern for member providers. This video shows a range of sector leaders debating the current issues and maybe some solutions, in a Question Time style round table format.

News on SCTP Representative Activities

SCTP has been out and about representing its members recently. There were September meetings with AELP at their London East regional meeting with provider networks and a meeting of the SE LEP Skills Advisory Group. The latter meeting will see a letter from SELEP being...

Review of 2018/19 AEB Allocations

In October 2018, ESFA will review 2018 to 2019 AEB grant allocations against year-end claims for 2017 to 2018. If your forecast outturn is 20% and £200k or less than your allocation, you may be in scope for a reduction. It is therefore important that you submit an...