ETF Summer 2018 CPD Programme

Details from the Education & Training Foundation about their support for training providers of all types. The ETF is funded to provide support and development opportunities in a wide range of areas and is continuing its apprenticeship offer as a successor...

NCS Exam Results Partner Toolkit

With the exam results season nearly with us (A Levels 16 August, GCSEs 23 August) the National Careers Service has produced a toolkit for partner organisations to help spread the word about an exam results helpline which is a free service available to young people...

DfE Share Draft T Level Procurement Documents

The DfE has shared the draft procurement documents with awarding organisations (AOs) in advance of the launch of the wave 1 T Level procurement. The DfE has listed to feedback from AOs and incorporated some changes but the Federation of Awarding Bodies still has...

Guidance on Devolved Adult Education Functions

Click here for the statutory guidance for combined authorities that are exercising devolved adult education functions. This will give members the inside track on the guidance issued to combined local authorities regarding devolved functions including: the functions...