Call for Bids for SELEP Local Growth Fund

Please see this information received from East Sussex County Council via the Skills East Sussex group giving details of capital funding available via the SELEP Local Growth Fund. In addition the Expression of Interest document can be seen here and more information...

ESFA FE Update 4th July

Latest update from the ESFA including: 1. Information: 16 to 19 bursary fund; 2. Information: 16 to 19 advanced maths premium; 3. Information: apprenticeship technical funding guide; 4. Information: in-year Qualification Achievement Rates for 2017 to 2018; 5....

IFA T-Level Responsibility Delayed Again

A second delay to when the Institute for Apprenticeships will take responsibility for T-levels has been confirmed. According to the institute’s business plan for 2018/19, published today, it only expects to have agreed a “full implementation timetable” for taking on...

Newhaven UTC to Close in August 2019

UTC@Harbourside, the 14-to-19 college with a vocational focus based in Newhaven, has announced it will close in August 2019 after recruiting insufficient pupils to ensure viability. The announcement was made in advance of the college’s Ofsted report which has...

DfE Traineeships Publicity Campaign

The DfE has launched some social media activity to promote Traineeships, focused on raising awareness amongst young people of the programme and its benefits. There will be an initial burst of activity ahead of further communications planned this year. They are...