ESCC Industry Champions Launch Event

East Sussex County Council has launched its Skills East Sussex’ Industry Champion’ badge. The scheme recognises the significant contribution of East Sussex businesses to promoting careers in their sector to young people in the county via activities including attending...

Subcontracting Fees to be Published in June

The government will publish subcontracting fees for providers across the country in June, the education minister Nadhim Zahawi has revealed. The ESFA will publish the level of funding paid and retained by providers for each of their subcontractors that delivered full...

£90M Dormant Accounts Youth Fund: Next Steps

In January 2018, the government announced that £90 million from dormant bank and building society accounts will fund projects to support young people furthest from the labour market into employment. The programme will be designed jointly by the Department for Digital,...

Edge Grant Fund 2018

The Edge Grant Fund is open for a second funding round. The fund has a total of one million pounds to award. Applications are welcomed in support of ‘projects that build on proven models of success or which test new approaches within education and...