ESFA Update Issue 375

Latest update from the ESFA (former SFA) including: 1. Individualised Learner Record (ILR) – R14 hard close; 2. Qualification Achievement Rates (QAR) dataset production specification documents for 2016 to 2017; 3. Exceptional Learning Support 2016 to 2017; 4....

SCTP Pre-Employment Meeting Report

20 people gathered at Sussex Downs College’s Newhaven Campus in Newhaven for SCTP’s latest meeting of its Pre-employment Group. The meeting focussed on updates from Local Authorities and giving members the opportunity to share, discuss and resolve issues...

AELP Update For Provider Networks

AELP (the national provider network) has sent through its latest update for members of local provider networks. The first half is very much about AELP’s Future Apprenticeship offer for providers with the second half a useful update on current issues and AELP...