DfE Launches New Skills Campaigns Aimed at Young People, Adults and Employers

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As well as the recently launched ‘Teach in FE’ campaign, the Department for Education is also launching three skills campaigns this week (24 January). For young people aged 14-19, ‘Get the Jump’ brings together all education and training choices for young people, signposting them to new pages on the National Careers Service at gov.uk/get-the-jump. A campaign toolkit is available here. For adults, it has launched the Skills for Life campaign which aims to support adults to develop their skills by bringing together government backed skills and training opportunities in a new single campaign and website at gov.uk/skillsforlife. A campaign toolkit for this one is available here. It has also launched ‘Join the Skills Revolution’ which aims to increase employers’ awareness of government training and employment schemes, to help businesses gear up for economic recovery by skilling up their workforce. Find out more at gov.uk/skills-support. The campaign toolkit is available here.