DfE Publishes Destinations of Key Stage 4 & Key Stage 5 Pupils

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The Department for Education’s latest release titled ‘Destinations of key stage 4 and key stage 5 students, England, 2016/17’ shows that only 5% of learners sustain apprenticeship in 2016/17 after KS4- no change when compared to 2015/16.  In addition, males (6%) are more likely to progress into an apprenticeship compared to the national average (5%) and females are less likely (4%). Males are also twice as likely to progress into an advanced or higher apprenticeship (level 3 and above). Disadvantaged students (4%) were less likely to progress into an apprenticeship compared to their non-disadvantaged peers but were equally likely to progress into an advanced or higher apprenticeship. The full report can be viewed here.