The ESFA have announced that for 2019/20 it will not carry out the final reconciliation for grant funded providers in receipt of funded AEB and the advanced learner loans bursary fund. These providers will be funded in line with the current agreement schedule with no clawback. It has however said there may be some clawback in certain situations. ‘there will be exceptions for grant funded providers who had already forecast significant under-delivery in their mid-year returns for ESFA funded AEB and/or Advanced Learner Loans Bursary Fund, in advance of the impact of COVID-19. ESFA will contact affected providers to discuss their forecasts and potential clawback. We also reserve the right to clawback funds where it can be demonstrated that a grant funded provider has not sought to continue delivery wherever possible online or otherwise, either directly or for ESFA funded AEB through their existing subcontractors.’