ESFA’s Interim Measures for Managing the Subcontracting Market after ROTO Closes

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The Register of Training Organisations (ROTO) will be formally decommissioned on 31 July 2021. The ESFA has now set the interim measures for managing subcontracting until the externally assessed standard is introduced in 2022 to 2023. It has said:

“We will pre-define a minimum level of due diligence and set out our expectations for financial monitoring/assessment that lead providers should conduct on their subcontractors. There is already a requirement to this effect. We will be more prescriptive to ensure all subcontractors meet our minimum thresholds and conduct additional internal checks. This is consistent with the reforms in that the direct contractual relationship is between provider and subcontractor. We will also be conducting some direct financial health checks on the largest subcontractors.”.

Further information is available in the follow up document to subcontracting reforms published on 4 March.