Government Investment into Green Shipbuilding Launched

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The government is investing £20 million to develop zero emission vessels and clean port infrastructure. The government is encouraging scientists and academics to collaborate with UK shipping, ports and shipbuilders to enter ambitious proposals into a competition for the fund.
Alongside this, the government is preparing to launch its Transport Decarbonisation Plan which sets out how all modes of transport – sea, rail, road and aviation – can make the switch to net zero. The government has also funded studies focused on achieving net-zero in both the recreational craft sector and offshore wind sectors. The new study on recreational craft, developed in partnership with the Carbon Trust, will set out how to overcome the barriers to the supply of, and demand for, zero-carbon recreational craft. The other study into the offshore wind sector is being produced in partnership with the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult and Workboat Association. It will bring a coalition of industry partners together to break down the barriers to moving all operational and maintenance vessels working in the North Sea offshore wind sector to zero emissions by 2025.