RSM Top Audit Tips

Every month, sector audit specialists RSM (they do provider audits for the ESFA)  issue a top tip aimed to help providers manage their delivery programmes efficiently. This is based on RSM’s collected experience of auditing providers for the ESFA and conducting...

FE Funding is Changing – Are you Ready?

This article from MCA Cooper Associates states that the way FE provision is funded is about to undergo its biggest change in years. Following the Skills and Post 16 Education Act 2022, which was passed in April this year, major changes are coming to the way DfE...

Greening the UK’s Skills

In tandem with COP27, a new report by Graham Hasting-Evans (President of the British Associate of Construction Heads and Chief Executive of NOCN Group) outlines the challenge faced by the UK in meeting its climate change commitments. The report, titled Greening the...

UFI VocTech Week & Grant Funding

The #WeekofVocTech 14-18 November is a free programme of in-person and online events exploring the role of digital technology in vocational training and celebrating its impact on learners, employers, training providers and society as a whole. It is led by UFI...

Number of Adult Learners has Halved Since 2010

The number of adults participating in further education and skills training has halved (-48%) since 2010, according to new TUC research. The independent research – carried out for the union body by the Learning and Work Institute – shows that the number of adult...