Youth Hub for Brighton & Hove Now Open

Brighton & Hove City Council has announced a new youth employment hub for residents under the age of 25, opened in partnership with the DWP. The hub provides digital and in person support for young people with education, employment and training.  The Council says...

ESF Call for Partners for NEET Tender

SCTP member CXK is developing a tender response to the call issued by the ESFA to commission the following opportunity: ESF Provision 2014-2020 IP 1.2 Support for Young People who are NEET or at Risk of Becoming NEET (Priority 1.2 Sustainable Integration of Young...

School Funding Consultation Launched

The Department for Education (DfE) has announced the launch of a consultation to seek views on how to simplify the process of school funding, to ensure all schools are funded on a single, fair and consistent basis. The consultation can be responded to here and is open...

Plan for Jobs One Year On

On the one-year anniversary of the government’s Plan for Jobs, the Treasury has issued a press release announcing that more than a third of the working population have been supported since the coronavirus pandemic began.