ESFA Update: 6 July 2023

Latest from ESFA including: 1. Action: submit your 2022 to 2023 16 to 19 tuition fund spend and tell us how you have used your additional hours. 2. Action: contact us if you made T Level data errors in your R04 or autumn census that are impacting your 2023 to 2024...

DWP Launches Midlife MOT

The DWP have launched a new online ‘Midlife MOT’ to encourage people to review their skills and break down barriers to the labour market, in turn delivering on the Government’s priority to grow the economy. The online Midlife MOT brings together trusted...

National AEB Tender Winners 2023

Results of the national adult education budget tender have now been released. Fifty-four training providers have been awarded contracts from the Education and Skills Funding Agency. Although contract values for individual providers have not yet been released, the full...