New Policy to Help Protect Pay for NHS Staff Starting Apprenticeships

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NHS staff who become apprentices with an employer will not experience a pay cut under a deal struck with trade unions. The policy, which came into force on July 1, means existing staff no longer risk a “detriment” to their wages if they begin an apprenticeship with any NHS employer. UNISON head of health Helga Pile said: “Previously, existing NHS staff wanting to progress their careers through apprenticeships were put off, or forced to drop out, because some employers expected them to take a cut in pay. Now this will no longer be the case, more staff will be able to take up these opportunities. Unions will now push the government and employers to go further and agree national pay rates for those starting out as apprentices.This would boost the numbers choosing to come into the NHS over other currently better-paid apprenticeship options.” Click here for more.