New Research Reveals Rising Parental Support for Apprenticeships Over University

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New research from leading business and financial adviser Grant Thornton UK LLP finds that there is a growing recognition of the benefits that school leaver apprenticeships can offer young people, with parents more likely to encourage their child to apply for an apprenticeship than to university after leaving school. The research, which surveyed 2000 parents with children aged 12-21 and 2000 young people aged 16-21, from across the UK, explores changing attitudes to the routes available to young people after leaving school. It finds that parents are more likely to encourage their child to apply for a school leaver apprenticeship (44%) than for university (40%). The main reasons parents gave for encouraging school leaver apprenticeships for their children are:

  • Gain practical on the job experience (63%)
  • Get paid while gaining a certified qualification (62%)
  • No student debt (40%)

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