Off-the-job Training Guidance

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DfE has had several enquiries to the help portal regarding off-the-job training. The full details of off-the-job training can be found on GOV.UK but they have included some detail below.

  • Off-the-job training guide

The off-the-job training guide (version 5) provides additional information on the calculation (paragraphs 84-85) and additional questions and answers (e.g. around revision).

  • Apprenticeship training plan template

In line with the 2023 to 2024 funding rules, the notes page has been updated (e.g. around progress reviews) and there are additional checks in the commitment to programme tab (e.g. that the apprentice is not self-employed). On the plan of training tab, statutory leave will now auto-calculate and a box has been added to record the apprentice’s normal working hours (if different to the hours used in the calculation). The formula also includes a rounding up function.

  • Apprenticeship agreement template

The apprenticeship agreement template notes have been simplified and it is now clear that that the agreement must be extended, if the programme is extended. If you use the training plan or apprenticeship agreement templates, please make sure you are using the latest versions, for new starts in future.

  • Off-the-job training calculator

A calculator has been created to help providers check compliance with the policy. To keep this as simple as possible, the start point (duration in weeks) and the end point (minimum number of off-the-job hours hours) are rounded to a full number. Statutory leave is not rounded. You do not need to use this calculator if you have your own calculator. However, you must be satisfied that your calculation is in line with the funding rules. Note that if you are not using rounding, you may get a different result to the GOV.UK calculator; these learners may appear on the Funding Rules Monitoring (FRM) 37 report and monitored as one of the indicators in the apprenticeship accountability framework. If you are satisfied that the off-the-job training policy is being met, you don’t need to make any changes to the learners’ planned hours.