Pathways to Opportunity for Young People ESF Call Launched for SELEP Area

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The DWP has confirmed the publication of a new Call for tender for the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) area. The Pathways to opportunity for young people call is for projects that support under 25-year olds who are NEET to be prepared for local opportunities, and to provide the wrap around support required. Activities may include pre-apprenticeship and pre-employment training aligned to sectors, confidence building and wrap around support for aspects such as mental health, employability, financial well-being and housing support. Programmes should take into account any barriers presented by Covid-19 and seek solutions such as online learning, telephone support and advice as appropriate. The total value of the call is £2 million with minimum bids of £200,000. Local bids are allowed and do not have to cover the whole SELEP geography. The deadline for applications is 24 May 2021.