Prevention of Future Deaths Report (Regulation 28): Ofsted’s response

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Ofsted’s Chief Inspector, Sir Martyn Oliver, has published Ofsted’s formal response, addressing each of the recommendations set out by the Coroner following the inquest into the death of headteacher Ruth Perry. The letter sets out what action has been taken before and immediately after the inquest as well as what Ofsted proposes to do next, including:

  • all inspectors trained to recognise and respond to signs of distress in school leaders
  • a clear and simple process for providers who have concerns about an inspection to speak to an unconnected senior Ofsted employee
  • a new policy on pausing an inspection
  • an expert reference group, including external representation, to look at leader and staff wellbeing
  • appointing an independent expert to lead a learning review of Ofsted’s response to the tragic death of Ruth Perry

Click here for more and here for the DfE’s official response and here for FE news commentary.