PwC UK Report: Access to Vital Skills – Time to Reinvention

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A greater focus on technology brings into sharp focus an issue that has been a perennial concern in recent years. The question of skills, and particularly the shortage of technology skills, is top of mind. The majority of UK CEOs (78%) report some extent of skills shortage within their organisation, and 68% specify a lack of tech capabilities in inhibiting their ability to transform. Despite concerns about the economy, the commitment CEOs are showing to step-change transformations means they are more likely to increase their headcount than reduce it this year. Nearly half (48%) intend to increase their headcount, compared to just over a fifth (21%) who expect to decrease it. UK CEOs are also focused on improving the bench strength of talent and capabilities they have within the organisation with investments in upskilling and retaining the people they have. And where they cannot recruit or train employees quickly enough, or in significant enough numbers, they will look to partner or even acquire. Click here for more.