Request to Share the IES Young People Quality of Work Survey

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The Institute for Employment Studies (IES) is leading a policy project on improving access to good work for young people as part of the Health Foundation’s five-year Young People’s Future Health Inquiry, aimed at shaping the future youth policy agenda across health, employment, economic security and transport. As part of this work, the IES has asked for support in sharing the Young People Quality of Work Survey with young people. This short survey looks to give young people (16-25) an opportunity to share their views and experiences. It asks them how they define and value ‘good work’, what impact Covid-19 has had on their confidence and views around good work, what can support or prevent them from accessing good work, whether they have had experience(s) of work to date, and what impact these have had on their health and wellbeing. They are hoping to reach as many young people as possible, particularly those whose voices often are not heard. They particularly encourage responses from young people from ethnic minority backgrounds, LGBTQ+ communities, those with a disability or health condition, care leavers, young carers, single parents, those facing or at risk of homelessness, those in the youth justice system, and ex-offenders. The deadline for the survey is June 16.