Research Finds Workers Turning to Social Media and AI for Skill Development

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According to KPMG research, nearly two-thirds (62%) of workers are turning to social media and online platforms to learn new workplace skills. The survey of 2,000 desk-based workers revealed that 20% regularly use social media for developing digital skills, sector-specific knowledge, and soft skills. Over half (56%) of employees aged 18-24 and 36% of those aged 25-34 have explored generative AI for skill development, compared to just 15% of workers aged 55-64. Lisa Murphy, CEO of Limelite HR said “Social media and online learning has been revolutionary in changing people’s learning habits. This style of learning can be highly accessible and efficient, it can be as short or as long as the person has available at the time, and can be picked up and put down as needed. It can also be highly relevant to an employee’s requirements at that moment, as opposed to formal programmes which can often teach skills not needed at the time.” Click here for more.