Robert Halfon Resigns as Skills Minister

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Robert Halfon has resigned as minister for skills, apprenticeships and higher education and plans to stand down as an MP at the next election. Halfon became skills minister for the first time in 2016 but was sacked a year later by then-prime minister Theresa May. He moved on to become the chair of the education select committee, serving for five years, before returning to the skills brief, with the additional job of higher education, in the Department for Education in October 2022. In a letter to the Harlow MP, prime minister Rishi Sunk said: “I wanted to pay tribute to your greatest legacy in parliament, which is of course your passion for promoting apprenticeships. You have been a stalwart champion for this remarkable and life changing programme, which is underpinned by our conservative principles to empower people to climb the ladder of opportunity.” Click here for more.