SCTP Seeks New Executive Director

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At the SCTP Member’s Meeting this week it was announced that Paul Mitchell would be standing down as SCTP’s Executive Director at the end of October 2018 but will carry on in a reduced role as SCTP’s Continuity Director working with members and supporting the new Executive Director. After 10 years in the role Paul told the members that the impetus behind the change had come from him and that he wanted to have time to pursue other interests but was excited about his new role with SCTP. Paul said ‘it’s been a privilege to serve as Executive Director but the time has come for a change, although it’s great to still be involved in a new role‘.

SCTP is aiming to have a new Executive Director in place by early November. The job and person description is here. Applicants are invited to submit a letter of application and CV to SCTP Chair, Jo Bridger. Closing date for applications is Friday 24th August. Interviews will be held on the 4th September. We would be grateful if you could share this information with any contacts that you have that may be interested in the role.