SELEP Skills Working Group Update

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As a member of the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) Skills Working Group, SCTP attended this week to represent the membership. The group works alongside the SELEP Skills Advisory Panel and “provides a strategic, joined up, holistic LEP view on skills issues and where possible delivers solutions which may include funding opportunities, new projects and inputs to government such as apprenticeship reforms and area reviews.” Key items discussed included an update on the Local Skills Improvement Plans, concerns around tutor/trainer shortages, T Level roll out in the region, and an update on the LEP review. The LEP review will be discussed at the next LEP Strategic Board meeting on 1 October and members are invited to register to observe this here. Other upcoming events discussed included the South East Careers Fair (SCTP will be exhibiting to promote member organisations), and an invitation extended to members for an upcoming South East Futures Clean Growth event. For further information email