Skills Accelerator Programme Open for Expression of Interest

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The new Skills Accelerator programme has launched and is open for expressions of interest. This incorporates Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIP) and the Strategic Development Fund, which were first announced in the Skills for Jobs White Paper. Local Skills Improvement Plans will be piloted in a group of trailblazer areas in 2021 to 2022. They will be led by established employer representative bodies. The Strategic Development Fund will explore how providers can work together more effectively, alongside employers and other partners, to respond to local skills and innovation priorities. This includes those identified by Local Skills Improvement Plans. The £65 million fund will provide capital and revenue funding for collaborative projects that build providers’ capacity to meet locally agreed skills priorities. Funding will be available in 2021 to 2022 in a number of pilot areas. Funding must be spent by 31 March 2022, so projects must be deliverable in this timescale. An online event for prospective bidders in being held on 27 April at 9.30. This article discusses the LSIP just announced.