WSCC 2nd Skills and Employment Report Published

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West Sussex County Council (WSCC) has published its skills and employment report Opportunities for a Skills and Employment Reset in West Sussex: What happens next? The report focusses on where WSCC, partners and stakeholders may be best placed to respond, to address the challenges and to progress opportunities. It offers a deeper dive into the findings of their first Employment and Skills Report, looking in more detail at collaboration and inclusive growth across the skills agenda, opportunities for investment and for delivering a message about the value of building a high-skilled, high growth career in the county. The report looks at the key challenges facing the county but also explores the interventions, partnerships and programmes that have the potential to deliver the greatest benefits. The report has 34 headline priority interventions which sit within a Matrix of Priorities, and which, they say, offer a potential pipeline of evidence-based ideas for partners and stakeholders to consider when developing their own programme of work.